
Praying and My Blindspot

One of the hardest thing in being in a youth ministry is that we deal with different people. Although we are united to serve our Lord we oftentimes juggle up with other people who are not familiar with us or the way we do things. When I reflect on my flaws before, I honestly considered myself a curse rather than a blessing to my friends back then. My personality made me look bad and lost my effectiveness in becoming an ambassador for Christ.

When the Lord gave me the opportunity to lead, one of my greatest challenge is my personality. I was the kind of person who is a perfectionist and dominant. People around me noticed that and it hindered them to grow and mature in their gifts together with me. It was actually my "blind spot" and it was blocking me to make friends with my fellow youth.

The Lord slowly changed my personality after the group leaders decided to have an open forum and shared our difficulties and challenges in working with one another. It was during that time when the group decided to pray for one another and seriously ask the Lord to change us and mold us in his likeness. That the fruits and character of the spirit will be present in our lives so we can be effective witnesses of His Kingdom purpose.

It's amazing how prayer changes everything. I committed myself to pray daily for the Lord to change me inside-out. I was so conscious at that time that every time I speak or do something, I asked the Lord to guide me and have self-control, to be patient and mindful of my words when dealing with people. God used those unforgettable prayer times to change me.

After 3 months of praying people noticed a big changed in me. A close friend of mine told me that they've never heard me complain about something and that I was more approachable than before. I was no longer strict and that people liked me a lot when I talk. God was gracious enough to let me experience being changed slowly through prayer.

And I would like to challenge you, if you are a leader or aspiring to be one, ask the Lord to show you your own "blind spot" or weakness(es) and pray that He will change you. Ask a friend or two to pray with you and remind you always whenever your attitude changes. Although sometimes its hard to changed, I believe practice really makes perfect. Add prayer to that and you'll see exciting changes in your life from that moment on.

Thank You for reading!


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